Open Parenting Time in Toronto

Co-parenting can be challenging under the best of circumstances. If you are in the process of divorcing the other parent of your minor child, you may be facing a complicated path forward. A court will ultimately have the power to determine the extent of your relationship with your children.

One of the options that may be available to you is open parenting time in Toronto. This option is ideal if you are in a situation where you and your soon-to-be former spouse are on good terms. A dedicated parenting time lawyer from The Riley Divorce & Family Law Firm could help you evaluate your options.

What Is Parenting Time?

Parenting time is an important issue facing divorcing and unmarried parents in Toronto. It represents their right to spend time with their minor child and often involves determining where they live most of the time.

This right is not extended to every parent. When it is in the best interest of the child not to have a relationship, the court may prohibit an adult from having any contact with the child. Alternatively, parenting time could occur on a supervised basis.

It is also helpful to understand what parenting time is not. The right to make decisions on behalf of a child is known as decision-making responsibility. The court can make different rulings regarding the appropriate living arrangement for a child compared to the right to decide crucial issues about their upbringing.

Open vs. Fixed Parenting Time

The court can approach these rights in different ways. Every case is different, and a judge will evaluate both parents and their relationship to determine the correct approach. One decision the court must make is whether an award of parenting time is open or fixed.

Open parenting time—as the name suggests—offers the parents a blank slate to determine how these rights are shared. While the total amount of time a non-custodial parent has is set, the way it is scheduled is up to the parties. This differs from a fixed plan, where the schedule is set days or months in advance.

While this flexible approach works for some families, it can be more difficult to enforce when conflicts arise. In some cases, open parenting time can lead to frustration for Toronto residents, especially when last-minute changes happen.

How Parenting Time Is Decided

Regardless of which approach is used, the same standard applies to every parenting time case. The courts are obligated to consider the best interest of the child when rendering a decision. While both parents have rights that they can enforce, they are secondary to the needs of their shared children.

Often, the process results in both parties feeling as if the outcome was unfair. Our Toronto lawyers are skilled in helping parents navigate this system and protecting their rights, which includes making the case to the judge that open parenting time is best for a juvenile.

Talk to a Lawyer in Toronto About Whether Open Parenting Time Is an Option For You

Enforcing your rights as a parent can be challenging, even in cases where you have an amicable relationship with your soon-to-be former spouse. If you are interested in open parenting time in Toronto, it is vital that you have the support you can count on.

Call the lawyers at The Riley Divorce & Family Law Firm today to learn about your options during a consultation. We offer 24-hour availability for our clients.

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