Toronto Mother’s Rights Lawyer

There is a common belief that mothers in Toronto are given preferential treatment during the course of divorce or custody hearings. The reality is that both parents come into family law proceedings on even footing—making it more crucial than ever for mothers to seek the guidance of a seasoned family lawyer.

While mothers have an array of rights, it could be possible to see those rights diminished or reduced. Actively taking steps to enforce your rights as a parent is the best way to protect them. If you are in a dispute with your ex-partner over matters involving your children, you could benefit from a confidential consultation with a Toronto mother’s rights lawyer at The Riley Divorce & Family Law Firm.

The Importance of Establishing Paternity

For a mother to enforce any of their parental rights, it is often necessary to first establish the paternity of the minor child. If the law does not formally recognize the father of the baby, it is not possible for the mother to pursue child support or enforce other parental rights related to the father.

There is a process for requesting a paternity test for a prospective father. If the judge orders a DNA test and the results indicate a biological link, the court will issue an order of paternity. At that point, both the rights and the responsibilities of parenthood will kick in.

Protecting a Mother’s Rights During Divorce

Divorce can be difficult, especially in cases where the couple has small children. When a mother faces the prospect of divorce, it is vital that they seek help from a mother’s rights lawyer in Toronto. The legal advice provided by a knowledgeable legal professional like Paul Riley could help ensure a mother’s rights are protected when it matters most.

Parenting Time

When a couple divorces or never marries to begin with, the court will play an important part in determining issues of parenting time. While a mother has rights related to parenting time, it is important to remember that the interest of their child trumps any rights they might have. Parenting time can take the form of a fixed weekly schedule, or it could involve a flexible relationship between the parents. Which option works best will depend on the state of the parent’s relationship.

Decision-Making Responsibility

While parenting time involves spending time with a minor child, decision-making responsibility covers a parent’s authority to make important parenting decisions on a child’s behalf. Often, courts will attempt to give both parents an equal say in the decisions that will weigh heavily on a child’s life. Tough, there are situations when that might not be possible. If the court finds that it is in the best interest of a child not to give a mother or father this decision-making power, the judge will have little choice but to reject decision-making responsibility for that parent.

It is important to note that it is possible to have parenting time with a child even if a parent does not have decision-making responsibilities. There are cases when a mother could agree to parenting time for their former spouse but object to them taking part in any of the decision-making duties. A Toronto mother’s rights lawyer could review the unique circumstances of your situation and advise what legal actions may be best for you to pursue.

Call a Mother’s Rights Lawyer Serving Toronto Today

As a mother, it is vital that you pursue your parental rights during a divorce or custody battle. Should you fail to do so, your relationship with your child could suffer tremendously.

Let a Toronto mother’s rights lawyer help you protect your relationship with your child. Call The Riley Divorce & Family Law Firm whenever you are ready to learn more. We are available to you 24 hours a day, seven days per week.

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