Oakville Divorce Lawyer

With a strong sense of community and high-performing schools, Oakville is an inviting place for families. However, families often face the same issues as families anywhere else, including the issues involved in divorce.

If you are planning to get divorced, an Oakville divorce lawyer can provide services aimed at helping you resolve divorce issues, such as child custody and support matters and the division of marital property so that the marriage can be resolved as efficiently as possible. Contact The Riley Divorce & Family Law Firm to speak with a practiced family lawyer today.

Issues a Lawyer Can Help Resolve

As a seasoned lawyer can attest, there are two types of divorces that can occur in Oakville.

Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce means that the spouses have effectively resolved all issues pertaining to children and property via a separation agreement. Uncontested divorces are generally less costly as the couple simply needs to show that all of the matters have been resolved outside of court.

Contested Divorce

A contested divorce means that the couple is not able to agree to some or all of the decisions that need to be made in order to dissolve the marriage, and the court must make decisions on those matters based on the information and evidence provided. Some of the issues that an experienced lawyer may be able to help resolve in the event of a divorce include:

  • Child support
  • Spousal support
  • Child custody matters
  • Allocation of debt
  • Payment of legal fees associated with the marriage dissolution
  • Property division, including homes, businesses, investment properties, bank accounts, personal property and more

Getting a divorce can be a highly emotional time for all parties involved. A lawyer may provide an understanding of the process and the decisions that need to be made in order to help the couple resolve these issues out of court.

Understanding the Divorce Process

In Oakville, the divorce process begins when one or both of the parties involved files an Application for Divorce and includes a verified financial statement with the help of a lawyer. Once this application has been filed with the court, it must also be served to the other party (unless the parties file jointly). If the other spouse is served, they have 30 days to file a formal response with the court. If no response is filed in that timeframe, the judge may grant the applicant relief without a contested hearing.

If the served spouse wishes to respond to the application, an informal hearing will be held and each party will exchange financial and other information for the court to consider when deciding divorce matters. The couple may begin mediation or their lawyers may work to settle any outstanding issues so that the divorce can proceed. If a settlement is not reached and the parties cannot agree on proposed resolutions, the case may go to trial.

Divorcing in Oakville? Contact a Seasoned Lawyer For Help Today

There are many issues to be resolved before a divorce can be finalized. Resolving these issues outside of court is usually a less expensive, less dramatic, and less time-consuming way for busy families to handle a divorce.

Let an Oakville divorce lawyer at The Riley Divorce & Family Law Firm help you navigate these issues in order to resolve them as quickly and efficiently as possible. To learn more, contact us online or by calling our firm today.

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