Oakville Child Support Lawyer

When parents separate or divorce, they remain equally responsible for financially supporting their children. Family law cases, particularly those involving children, are often among the most contentious. Ensuring you understand your rights and responsibilities is the most effective way to protect yourself.

A skilled Oakville child support lawyer at The Riley Divorce & Family Law Firm is ready to answer your child support questions. Call today to schedule an appointment to speak with a diligent family lawyer for more information.

Child Support Calculation in Canada

The child support calculator considers factors such as the payor’s income, where they live, and the number of children the support benefits. The Government of Canada Justice Law Website provides that depending on the unique circumstances, the court may also consider factors including:

  • Tax returns, when applicable
  • Payors with salaries over $150,000
  • Undue hardship circumstances of either parent
  • Extracurricular activities and additional educational expenses
  • Parenting time when the child spends 40 percent or more time with the payor
  • Standards of living for cases requesting an adjustment for undue hardship
  • Additional expenses, such as childcare, medical and dental insurance, and special needs costs

Our Oakville lawyers could provide sound legal advice and answer specific questions about child support during a consultation.

Collection and Enforcement

Once the family court issues a child support order, the non-custodial parent must adhere to the terms of the arrangement or face penalties. The Family Responsibility Office, a division of the Ontario Court of Justice, is responsible for enforcing child support. The payor can contact the office to make payment arrangements. If the payor does not make their own arrangements, the most common method of enforcement is garnishing the payor’s wages. The payor also may be subject to fees if the FRO opens an enforcement case against them.

Self-employed parents responsible for making payments must ensure they comply with the support order, as there is no option for automatic garnishment. When someone responsible for making regular payments refuses to adhere to the support order, the potential penalties include suspended or revoked driver’s licenses and passports.

Paternity Cases to Establish Parentage

When a parent seeks to obtain an order for child support payments from the other parent or a father pursues a parenting time order, initiating a paternity case may be necessary. Fathers who are married to the mother when the baby is born and those who sign the child’s birth registration form have presumed paternity and legal rights and obligations to the child.

When there is no presumed paternity, either parent may petition the court to request DNA analysis to establish parental rights and responsibilities. Our Oakville lawyers understand the child support system’s complexities and could help file a paternity case, estimate potential payments, or collect payments in arrears.

Schedule a Consultation With a Knowledgeable Child Support Lawyer in Oakville

Parents must financially support their children whether they reside in the same household or not. Co-parents may agree upon child support payment terms outside the family court or seek court orders. Cases involving parenting time and establishing support payments are often emotionally charged and can feel confusing and overwhelming.

A dedicated Oakville child support lawyer could help navigate the family court system and protect your rights throughout the process. Paul Riley and the other experienced associates at The Riley Divorce & Family Law Firm are available 24-hours a day and can assist you with all your child support, custody, and family law needs. Call today for more information and schedule a meeting to review your case and options.

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