One of the most challenging aspects of splitting with a spouse or partner is negotiating a plan to co-parent your children. Although many parents try to accomplish the task alone, parents who seek legal help often save time and money and reach a more satisfactory result.
The benefits of a Toronto parenting time lawyer are numerous. Contact the lawyers in our office at any time for help getting started.
At one time, parenting arrangements between divorced or separated parents were called custody and access. One parent was the custodial parent who provided a home for the children, and the other parent had periodic access, or the right to visitation.
Recognizing that both parents often provide a home for their children and are actively engaged parents, the term parenting time now refers to periods when a parent has responsibility for the children. Parenting time includes periods when the children are somewhere else, like school or a recreational activity. Shared parenting time refers to the common arrangement where each parent cares for the children at least 40 percent of the time.
The law favors both parents having substantial parenting time, provided time with each parent serves the children’s best interests. A Toronto lawyer can help parents understand what the law says about parenting time.
When parents agree to live separately, they commonly establish a separation or parenting agreement. These are legally binding contracts that formalize the parents’ understanding of their co-parenting arrangement and other matters in the case of a separation agreement.
Negotiating an agreement is always the best strategy when possible, because it keeps control in the hands of the parents. They have maximum flexibility in that they can agree to try a specific arrangement for a period of time and then revisit it if it is not working as expected. Parenting agreements need not be overly specific and can evolve as the children grow, and the parents’ circumstances change.
When parents try to negotiate agreements directly with each other, the tension between them sometimes poses an obstacle. Working through lawyers is often more efficient and productive. Alternatively, a legal professional in Toronto could advise parents who choose mediation to create a parenting agreement.
When parents cannot reach a consensus about dividing parenting time, they may need to bring their dispute before a court.
The Ontario Children’s Law Reform Act S.24 (2) requires judges to make these decisions based on the children’s best interests. Numerous factors can influence the decision, including the:
Judges can consider other information they deem relevant to the circumstances and can weigh the various factors as they see fit.
A Toronto lawyer can provide invaluable guidance and advice in these situations. They can marshal a parent’s best arguments to demonstrate that their preferred parenting time arrangement best supports their children’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being and safety.
Your parenting time arrangement will have a huge impact on your relationship with your children moving forward. The benefits of a Toronto parenting time lawyer are worth your investment.
The legal professionals at The Riley Divorce and Family Law Firm can offer valuable assistance at any stage in the process. Someone is available to help around the clock, so get started now.
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