The Emotional Cheater
Excerpts From The Book by Paul Riley:
A Divorce Lawyer’s Guide To Rebuilding Confidence and Finding a Great Relationship
This guy gets caught up emotionally with his lover on the side. Of all the types of cheaters, this guy is likely to be caught. His emotions affect his ability to hide his infidelity. This is the guy who will be texting in the bathroom and checking messages while in bed with you. He not only has sex with the woman on the side, but he often falls in love with her too. He is not as random as the previous two cheaters. He is more likely to get involved with someone he knows or use to know…
Arguments are more likely to occur with this type of cheater because in his mind, feels as though the other woman understands him better. While the previous two other cheaters mentioned, compartmentalize their affairs, this guy allows the affair with the other woman to seep into his committed relationship…
The Emotional Cheater is always looking for excuses to leave the house because he has grown attached to the women on the side. He takes more risks and seeks more privacy so he can make calls and check messages…
This is also the cheater that is influenced most by the woman on the side…
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