Stay Positive…This Too Shall Pass

Stay Positive…This Too Shall Pass

Toronto and Ottawa Divorce and Family Lawyer:  Stay Positive...This Too Shall Pass

Stay Positive…This Too Shall Pass

Excerpts From The Book by Paul Riley:


A Divorce Lawyer’s Guide To Rebuilding Confidence and Finding a Great Relationship 

When you are in the midst of the heartache and disappointment, it’s hard to fathom, but this will indeed pass. 

Having your heart broken can feel like the worse pain one can experience. You can literally feel broken, as though the end of the world is looming. Different people react differently, some people can recover with their self-esteem damaged, but intact. In some cases, however, the heartache can push someone into an agonizing state of depression.

Numerous studies have shown that having your heart broken can in fact lead to depression. According to Psychology Today, a study involving 7000 people found that those who suffered “losses that involved lower self-esteem were twice as likely to trigger depression as ones that involved loss alone.”

Clearly there is no greater hit to one’s self esteem than the person they love most in the world betraying their trust and choosing to be with someone else. 

No one can deny your pain, and you may need to emote, but you can’t let it break you. 

Let Paul Riley, One of Ottawa’s and Greater Toronto Area’s Premier Divorce and Family Lawyers Handle Your Case. 

At The Riley Firm…We Understand. Book Your Consultation Today.

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Paul Riley Law Office

Paul Riley Law Office
99 Yorkville Avenue,
Suite 200

Toronto, ON  M5R 3K5
116 Albert Street,
Suite 300

Ottawa ON  K1P 5G3
223 Kent
St W,

Lindsay, ON  K9V 5G6
410 North Service Rd E
Suite 4,

Oakville, ON  L6H 5R2