Paul Riley Discusses How His Time in Broadcasting Has Influenced His Work in Family Law

Our Managing Director Paul Riley was recently invited onto Lindsay’s Bounce Radio to discuss his previous work in the journalism industry and how that background impacted his work in family law.

Riley starts the discussion by discussing his two dream jobs as a kid: television reporter and lawyer. He started his career pursuing that first passion and worked with CBC for eight years. He started in Halifax for a year before a series of his pieces got noticed on CNN and other national channels. He was hired by Toronto CBC and spent seven years with their team.

After being passed over for promotions and not seeing long-term career growth, he  decided to take the risk to leave journalism and pursue his legal passions. Law school demanded his full attention, but he was able to manage his rigorous coursework during his last few years at CBC Toronto. He picked up doing local and provincial radio on the weekends to make ends meet. After three years of  focused attention on his work alongside his schooling, Riley began his law career.

When asked why he chose to practice family and divorce law, Riley explained that  he had gone through a contentious divorce himself. Having this background, he was able to empathize with his clients while remaining professional and handling the case effectively. Additionally, he briefly explains the different kinds of law he  looked into pursuing. Corporate law relies heavily on contracts, while criminal law  relies on evidence and the facts of the case. Family law relies on stories, and since  Riley had told over 1,000 stories for CBC over the past eight years of his professional career, he had the skill set required to tell other people’s stories to the courts as objectively as possible while still supporting the client in an empathetic way.

Riley has served in divorce and family law for the past 18 years and continues to  help defend the families needing his expertise and compassionate touch. We are so proud of him for all the work he has done and all of the work he continues to do with our firm and clients.

We want to thank Lindsay’s BOUNCE 91.9 for inviting Paul Riley to the show. It was a great conversation. To watch or listen to this segment and others of Lindsay’s Bounce Radio, listen in through iHeartRadio or check out their Facebook page!

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Paul Riley Law Office

Paul Riley Law Office
99 Yorkville Avenue,
Suite 200

Toronto, ON  M5R 3K5
116 Albert Street,
Suite 300

Ottawa ON  K1P 5G3
223 Kent
St W,

Lindsay, ON  K9V 5G6
410 North Service Rd E
Suite 4,

Oakville, ON  L6H 5R2