If Someone Tells You Who They Are You Should Listen
Excerpts From The Book by Paul Riley:
A Divorce Lawyer’s Guide To Rebuilding Confidence and Finding a Great Relationship
Numerous psychological studies have shown that men who cheat often say the felt “overwhelmed with desire at the time”. Couple that with the ability to rationalize their actions by leaning on societal perceptions. Take for example Joss Whedon, the producer and writer of the ‘90s television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Recently his ex-wife Kai Cole wrote on a blog post that during their sixteen-year marriage Whedon cheated on her with actresses, friends, fans and co-workers…
She went further, saying that when she confronted him about it, he rationalized the affairs by saying, “In many ways I was the height of normal, in this culture. We are taught to be providers and companions and at the same time, to conquer and acquire—specifically sexually—and I was pulling off both”…
Whedon may sound like a jerk, but only because he is voicing what a lot of men quietly think. There is clearly a historical difference in how sexual behavior is perceived regarding men and women. It hasn’t changed since the beginning of time, despite the efforts of TV shows like Sex in the City. A man who has sex with a lot of women or who has sex outside of a committed relationship is just “being a man”. If a woman pulls that stunt, then she is often seen as a slut…
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