Steps To Get Your Confidence Back: Step 7 – Hold Your Head Up


Step 7 – hold your head up

Toronto Divorce and Family Lawyer

Excerpts From The Book by Paul Riley:


A Divorce Lawyer’s Guide To Rebuilding Confidence and Finding a Great Relationship 

Confidence starts with a mindset but your body and behavior can seduce your mind into thinking you are confident. Its starts with posture. Don’t hang your head. Walk with good posture, shoulders back, head up. Researchers from Ohio State University found that hunching over at your desk or slouching when you walk around can make you feel less confident and more insecure. 

Pull your stomach in and pull your shoulders back. Walk like you are one of the Avengers. Not the Hulk though, he tends to slouch. Along with better posture, put a smile on your face. If someone says “How are you?” Don’t answer, “I’m alright”. Instead, say, “I’m great!!” “Excellent!” If it happens often enough, you will start to believe it. Try it. 

Let Paul Riley, One of Ottawa’s and Greater Toronto Area’s Premier Divorce and Family Lawyers Handle Your Case. 

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Suite 200

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116 Albert Street,
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223 Kent
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